03 março 2010

Gaza - Avatar on Earth?

This video is circulating on facebook and a friend ask for comments on these provocative thoughts... Here is my comment.

Avatar is a metaphor. Good against evil, again. Who's who only depends on the perspective the movie is shot from. In Cameron's own Alien, the alien was the bad guy (bigger and uglier then, but again, that's just a perspective)

I don't even find the video too provocative because this is an old story, first the Romans 2.500 years ago, they conquered all of Europe, Ghenghis Khan invaded all his neighbors in XIIIth century China, there are examples in all cultures, in all times. Even the Arabs were the attackers when in the VIIIth century they invaded Iberia (that's not so long ago, the buildings, the words are still here). And even then peace was kept by letting each population live their spirituality freely and with commercial and trade agreements.

Same story: two sides fight for land, for profit, for domination. If you want someone else's resources, de-humanize them, make them your enemy, and take it. It's always been like this. Only the weapons have changed, the images, and how fast they travel. 

It's been the politicians and philosophers' responsibility to find solutions for 3000 years. Being human they have fear in their hearts. Fear of not having enough food, enough water, enough space for their children. Fear for our own survival.

I was living in Madrid in March 11th, I drove by one of the bombs that did not explode, it could have exploded, and it could have been me on the list, my father could have gotten a call "we're sorry, your daughter is dead"... and later that week I marched the streets with fear in my heart because someone wanted to kill me. Fear. Fear that turns into anger. Fear that turns into greed.

From my perspective, the only thing we can do is replace this fear with love and compassion, finding the spirit in us, the dust of stars we are made of, the connection to the grand scheme, our soul, or whatever you want to call it. We can chose to recognize the spirit and the love in both jews and arabs, and chinese, and korean, and indian, and blonds, and darks, and black, brown, purple... We are all in the same human boat. We can find the balance of the planet, accept the symbiotic relations in all environments, accept each other.

And facebook is a great platform for it! Millions of people all around the globe, exchanging points of view, insights, opinions, exchanging their humanity, where ever they are. Thank you Dave, for starting this discussion!

May Peace be in our hearts first, and then in the whole world!

1 comentário:

Mónica disse...

The idea of good and evil within any given war is a mass simplification that keeps us quiet and united as a nation, country or front. Fear has been used for centuries to keep populations subdued and controlled. To see one of the Israeli - Palestine conflict's side as the "good" one is purely absurd: ask the mother of an israelian kid who has been killed in a suicide bombing while going to school who is "good" and who is "bad"... simplification is the art of stupidification.