20 outubro 2012

Conflicting incentives

This picture was explained to me a few weeks ago in a Work Law class, by teacher Artur Fernandes, a lawyer with more than 20 years experience in People Management.

I thought it could be used to offer a very simple (too simple?) explanation of Portugal's current struggles...

You see... from the Workers perspective, our Government asks for more taxes but delivers less services, and our Corporations ask for more work but pay less money...

Irrespective of the roots of the current crisis being financial or structural, this basic schema of incentives is not being respected, and social unrest and tax evasion is apparently the only answer...

19 fevereiro 2012


"Running ultramarathons, as in 100 km long races is EASIER than starting a company."
Greg Tseng, the co-founder of social network Tagged

ActualSun here we go!
More posts on living the entrepreneur, start-up, acceleration, international, product creation life coming soon!

For the moment know that:
I'm the proud co-founder of a business analytics and information management company, focusing in solar plants, called ActualSun.
I have 2 partner, who I trust and respect. They do strategy, finance, sales and I do product.
We're on our way to Houston.